What does it mean?
The word “sustainability” has become common today. But what does it mean? The dictionary tells us it’s “avoidance of the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance” (Oxford dictonary). Obviously the first most immediate connection is the one with the environment, but over time its meaning has expanded to include also the socio-economic meanings.
This is how, for example, it has become the paradigm of the UN 2030 Agenda on sustainable development: the commitment that has been made is fundamental to giving our planet a future, both from an ecological and an economic point of view, ensuring good quality of life and services for citizens.

Our sustainability choices
Sustainability is therefore a global responsibility. We at the Primitempi shoe factory have also chosen to do our part: in fact we have installed a photovoltaic system that guarantees us the supply of electricity. The energy produced from renewable sources such as the sun is clean and allows us to work with zero impact on our planet, avoiding the use of energy that generates CO2.
In addition to differentiating common waste and reducing the use of plastic in the company, we rely on specialized companies for the correct disposal of processing waste (such as leather scraps).
Furthermore, we are always looking for new ecological materials to use: for example, in recent years we have been using removable insoles with aloe extracts. These guarantee an effective antibacterial function!
Telefono: 0734.841064
Fax: 0734.841064
Mobile: 334.1821278
Email: info@primitempi.it
Calzaturificio Primitempi SRL
Via Italia, 26/B
63813 Monte Urano FM