To get the complete price catalog, you can write us an email at info@primitempi.it, specifying the data of your business (name, city, VAT number, contacts) and the collections of interest (e.g. woman, man or child ; summer or winter). You can also use the box below.
Our products features
Primitempi’s shoes are made with materials and techniques that are typical of an handmade and high-quality product, entirely made in Italy.
In fact, we use leather for the lining and shoe upper, without excluding woven embroidered overlays and accessories (e.g., glitter, sequins and velvet fabric).
The leather insole gives softness and supports transpiration: it avoids the formation of skin fungus or mycosis. Furthermore, being extractable, is really easy to wash and dry or, if needed, to replace (in case of using orthopedic insole).
The insoles we use for children’s or teenager’s collections, besides being extractable and covered with leather, is made with aloe essence: it provides benefits for feet in order to reduce sweating and ensure antibacterial function.
Moreover, we are always paying attention to the selection of accessories: e.g., eyelets are nickel free (considering that sometimes it is allergen).
A family company like ours, in addition to paying attention to the quality of final product, can also professionally take care of the relationship with the customer: in fact, besides our collections, we are always accommodating to meet customers’ necessities, also defining ad-hoc projects for various situations. E.g., we have made some work uniforms and school uniforms (customizable with own label).
Telefono: 0734.841064
Fax: 0734.841064
Mobile: 334.1821278
Email: info@primitempi.it
Calzaturificio Primitempi SRL
Via Italia, 26/B
63813 Monte Urano FM